Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New Deadbolt, Bethany Hamilton, and Compassion International

Hooray!!! I came home yesterday to find a shiny new deadbolt on the door! That was fast! I’ve noticed a marked difference in my sleep and ability to relax. It’s great knowing that you’re protected. Even more awesome than knowing I’m protected is the fact that my dad wants to protect me. That does wonders for my self esteem. Every time I see that new deadbolt on the door it reminds me that I’m worth protecting.
In other news, yesterday I finally got to town again and was able to publish the blog posts I’ve been writing at home. I got to check my email too. Funny, we take being able to get on the internet and check email and facebook for granted when we have internet regularly. However, when we find ourselves in a place with no internet signal for a prolonged amount of time that time on the internet becomes more precious. I did get an update on Bethany Hamilton. I signed up for her monthly newsletter (the coconut wire) on her website. She’s stoked about Soul Surfer’s release in theaters. She also competed in a surf competition lately but didn’t do as well as she had wanted to. She expressed a little bit of discouragement because she’s surfing the best she’s ever surfed in her life but it didn’t show in that competition. I guess that just goes to show that even the best of us get discouraged at times. I do hope that she is encouraged to keep doing her best. She surfs more beautifully than I’ve ever seen anyone surf before. It takes real talent, dedication, and heart to do what she does.
I got an email from Compassion International about my Compassion child, Watson. I sponsor a little boy in Haiti. The sponsor money pays for his food, clothing, education, and medical care. It’s an awesome organization. His birthday is coming up soon and Compassion gave me the option of sending him a birthday gift! The way this works is I give a certain amount of money and the organization buys him an age appropriate gift. Though that email made me happy that I was able to do something for Watson’s birthday it also showed me how little I actually do for the poor in the world. I sponsor one child living in poverty. I decided to sponsor Watson when I had less money than I do now and less of an opportunity to make any more money. I’m blessed to have more money now. I don’t go from paycheck to paycheck anymore and I’ve been working on my savings account. I just feel like there’s so much more I could be doing to help others than what I’m currently doing. Right now I’m blessed with more time and money than I need myself. I don’t know what to do but I just have a strong desire to minister to the needs of others and share God’s love. God blesses us so that we can share those blessings with others. So, I’ve been asking God what he wants me to do. I don’t want to just run off in any random direction to serve others. When I’m blessed with the time to bless others I’m sure God has something in mind. I want to be where he wants me to be, doing what he wants me to do. The most fulfilling thing I can do with my life is to follow God’s path for me. He’s got it all figured out and planned. I just have to trust him. I’m in good hands. J

You have been reading Simply Life by Faith


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